We have entered into a distribution agreement with Twinhead International Corp. that now allows us to make Durabook’s entire mobile rugged portfolio available to our customers directly as well as to resellers.
We create added value for our customers
As a value-added distributor with over 20 years of experience, we offer semi-custom and full-custom designs of high-quality products in various performance classes with diverse input/output configurations, processor classes and other hardware components.
Thanks to our many years of know-how in the distribution of rugged mobile solutions, we are able to provide our customers with competent advice on their projects, coordinate the requirements of the devices in advance and then develop an industrial PC solution that is precisely tailored to the application with all the desired specifications so that it can be optimally used in specific industrial sectors.
We support our project partners in the implementation right from the start. Development and production are carried out with state-of-the-art equipment in Germany in compliance with the highest ISO9001 quality standards. A defined process guarantees a fast and smooth implementation from the idea to the serial production. Perfect logistics ensure production and assembly of customer systems and provide just-in-time delivery.
“We distinguish ourselves through worldwide project experience with highly demanding systems in a wide variety of industries and a focus on reliable and long-term available design for difficult environmental conditions.“
We help you put all the building blocks together to create an efficient solution.
The real and virtual worlds are merging more and more today. Modern computing and communication devices and systems form the technical basis and building blocks.
Decision-makers in companies are increasingly asking themselves whether your production is still up to date with the latest technology or whether you are losing important resources.
Let our professional and experienced specialists advise you.
“We develop individual solutions for specific tasks for you and see our strengths here”.
Each solution includes integrated project management to ensure optimal interoperability and collaboration with an unobstructed flow of information between work processes and project group members.
Contact us for a no-obligation consultation.